Welcome To The New Avatar !

Yippee!! It's all done! It really took some time to change the theme. Now, did I say this was a theme for Wordpress? Yeah, I converted it myself for this blog. It's loaded with images, so I'm trying to put out some of them, as I need to cater to all sorts of viewers.

The header image is not the original one, I made a few changes to it using photoshop. It looks a bit crude, doesn't it?

I faced a few problems of aligning the widgets in their proper places. The left hand side image too wasn't aligning. So, after a few tweaks I managed to solve the problem using the 'clear:both' property.

I'm still testing the theme with several browsers. It seems to be fine in IE and Opera. I hope it works fine with other browsers like Netscape and Firefox. So, if you are using any other browser, and theme isn't looking right, please tell me about it.

So did you enjoy the look? I'm waiting for your feedback ..........


Nature Nut /JJ Loch said...

I'm a HUGE James Bond fan!!! So is my hubby. Love your blog name and the design of it is fantastic!!!


Visor said...

Thanks for your response(I desperately needed a plug!)....

Along with the design, I really have to improve the rate of posting....