Hell! Over two hundred and fifty thousand copies of Casino Royale were downloaded from the internet till now! This is the major setback for Casino royale which has bagged the number one position in the UK with profits of over $80 million. I believe this is the major problem which the entertainment industry is facing with losses running in billions of dollars. According to news reports, the first bootlegged copy came from Russia, then Italy. But the quality of the video and audio was not good. It seems that somebody recorded the entire movie on a camcorder. I have heard that such copies are called as "CamRips".
well thats really very disappointing!It is indeed a great loss not only for Bond but the entire Casino Royale crew! This is equivalent to tresspassing!!
i agree that watching illegal copies of films is wrong, but i do admit i often watch movies online. this is normally because
a) it hasn't come out in the shops yet
or b) they expect me to pay way too much so i get my own back by watching it online.
May just be the Finest topic that i browsed through all month?
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